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  • 2023
    -HTML- Staples TL & Pandolfi JM (2023). Local compositional change and regional stability across 3000 years of coral reef development. Global Ecology & Biogeography. 10.1111/geb.13787 -HTML- Twomey AJ, Staples TL, Remmerswaal A, Wuppukondur A, Lovelock C (2023). Mangrove ghost forests provide opportunities for seagrass. Frontiers in Climate. 10.3389/fclim.2023.1284829 -HTML- Staples TL (2023). Expansion and evolution of the R programming language. Royal Society Open Science. 10:221550. -HTML- Zdenek CN, Staples TL, Hay C, Bourke LN & Candusso D (2023). Sound garden: How snakes respond to airborne and groundborne sounds. PLoS ONE. 18(2):e0281285. 10.1371/journal.pone.0281285.
  • 2022
    -HTML- Staples TL, Kiessling W, Pandolfi JM (2022). Emergence patterns of locally novel plant communities driven by past climate change and modern anthropogenic impacts. Ecology Letters. 10.1111/ele.14016. -HTML- Staples TL, Mayfield, MM, England JR, Dwyer JM (2022). Drivers of Acacia and Eucalyptus growth rate differ in strength and direction in restoration plantings across Australia. Ecological Applications. 10.1002/eap.2636. -HTML- Meiklejohn, NA, Staples TL, Fensham, R (2022). Modelling climatic suitability for myrtle rust with a widespread host species. Biological Invasions. 10.1007/s10530-021-02689-z. -HTML- Hammerman NM, Roff G, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Leonard N, Staples TL, Eyal G, Rossbach S, Havlik MN, Saderne V, Zhao J, Duarte, CM, Pandolfi JM (2022). Reef accumulation is decoupled from recent degradation in the central and southern Red Sea. Science of the Total Environment. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151176.
  • 2021
    -HTML- Hammerman, N, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Staples TL, Decarlo T, Saderne V, Roff, G, Leonard ND, Zhao J, Rossbach S, Havlik M, Duarte CM, Pandolfi JM (2021). Variable response of Red Sea coral communities to recent disturbance events along a latitudinal gradient. Marine Biology. 10.1007/s00227-021-03984-y. -HTML- Falster D, Gallagher R, Wenk EH, Wright IJ, Indiarto D, ..., Staples TL, et al. (2021). AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. Scientific Data. 10.1038/s41597-021-01006-6. -HTML- Sims CA, Sampaya EM, Mayfield MM, Staples TL, Dalton SJ, Gutierrez-Isaza N, Pandolfi JM (2021). Janzen-Connell effects partially supported in reef-building corals: adult presence interacts with settler density to limit establishment. Oikos. 10.1111/oik.08110. -HTML- Hill J, Bourke L, Horton C, Staples TL, Lovelock CE (2021). Limited relationships between mangrove forest structure and hydro-edaphic conditions in subtropical Queensland, Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106930.
  • 2020
    -HTML- Pandolfi JM*, Staples TL*, Kiessling W (2020). Increased extinction in the emergence of novel ecological communities. Science. 10.1126/science.abb3996.​ * Equal contribution as first author ​-HTML- Clarke LJ, Jones PJ, Ammitzboll H, Barmuta LA, Breed MF, Chariton A, Charleston M, Dakwa V, Dewi F, Eri R, Fountain-Jones NM, Freeman J, Kendal D, McDougal R, Raes EJ, Li, SSS, Staples TL, Sutcliffe B, Vemuri R, Weyrich LS, Flies EJ (2020). Mainstreaming Microbes across Biomes. Bioscience. 10.1093/biosci/biaa057. ​-PDF-​ -HTML-Staples TL, Mayfield MM, England JR and Dwyer JM (2020). Comparing the recovery of richness, structure and biomass in naturally regrowing and planted reforestation. Restoration Ecology. 10.1111/rec.13077. ​​-HTML- Ola A, Staples TL, Robinson N and Lovelock CE (2020). Plasticity in the above- and below-ground development of mangrove seedlings in response to variation in soil bulk density. Coasts and Estuaries. 10.1007/s12237-019-00660-9.
  • 2019
    ​-PDF-​ -HTML- Staples TL, Dwyer JM, England JR and Mayfield MM (2019). Productivity does not correlate with species and functional diversity in Australian reforestation plantings across a wide climate gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 10.1111/geb.12962. -PDF-​ -HTML- Staples TL, Dwyer JM, Wainwright CE and Mayfield MM (2019). Applied ecological research is on the rise but connectivity barriers persist between four major subfields. Journal of Applied Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2664.13373. ​​​-HTML- Gomez Cabrera, MdC, Young JM, Roff G, Staples TL, Ortiz JC, Pandolfi JM and Cooper A (2019). Broadening the taxonomic scope of coral reef paleoecological studies using ancient DNA. Molecular Ecology. 10.1111/mec.15038.
  • 2018 and earlier
    ​-PDF-​ -HTML- Wainwright CE, Staples TL, Charles LS, Flanagan TC, Lai HR, Loy X, Reynolds VA and Mayfield MM (2018). Links between community ecology theory and ecological restoration are on the rise. Journal of Applied Ecology. 55:570–581. 10.1111/1365-2664.12975. ​​​-PDF-​ -HTML- Staples TL, Dwyer JM, Loy X and Mayfield MM (2016). Potential mechanisms of coexistence in closely related forbs. Oikos 125:1812–1823. 10.1111/oik.03180.
  • Pre-prints
    ​-HTML- Falster D, Gallagher R, Wenk E, Wright I, Indiarto D, Baxter C ... Staples TL et al. (2021). AusTraits – a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. bioRxiv. 10.1101/2021.01.04.425314. ​​​​-HTML- Pandolfi JM, Staples TL, Kiessling W (2020). The rise and fall of novel ecological communities. bioRxiv. 10.1101/2020.06.02.131037.
  • Articles
    ​-HTML- Staples TL, Pandolfi JM (2021). Finding the novelty in nature. The Science Breaker. ​​​-HTML- Staples TL. Coexisting or not coexisting? That's the question. Oikos blog.
  • Conference presentations
    Staples TL, Pandolfi JM & Kiessling W (2021). Tracing the legacy of novel communities. International Coral Reef Symposium, virtual. Contributed oral presentation. ​-PDF-​ -VIDEO- Staples TL, Pandolfi J & Kiessling, W (2020). Quantifying the novel ecosystem concept. International Statistical Ecology Conference, virtual. Speed talk/poster. Staples TL, Pandolfi JM & Kiessling W (2020). Contrasting the emergence patterns of past and present novel ecological communities. Geological Society of America Conference, virtual. Contributed oral presentation. Staples TL, Pandolfi J (2018). Community dynamics and species co-occurrence over 3,000 years of coral reef development. Ecological Society of Australia, Brisbane, QLD. Contributed oral presentation. Staples TL, Dwyer JM, England JE, Mayfield MM (2017). Acacia and Eucalyptus growth in multi-species reforestation. Ecological Society of Australia, Hunter Valley. Contributed oral presentation. Staples TL, Dwyer JM, England JE, Mayfield MM (2017). No diversity-productivity relationship in Australian forest plantings. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. Contributed oral presentation. Staples TL, Dwyer JM, England JE, Mayfield MM (2016). No diversity-productivity relationship in Australian forest plantings. Ecological Society of Australia, Freemantle, WA. Contributed oral presentation. Staples TL, Dwyer JM, England JE, Mayfield MM (2016). Carbon-diversity co-benefits in Australian forest plantings, New Zealand Ecological Society and Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia, Hamilton, NZ. Contributed oral presentation. Staples TL, Dwyer JM, England JE, Mayfield MM (2015). No productivity gain from diverse forest plantings. Ecological Society of Australia, Adelaide, SA. Poster presentation.

I work on the lands of the Jagera and Turrbal peoples in Meanjin (Brisbane), and sometimes on the lands of the Bindal and Wulgurukaba peoples in  Thul Garrie Waja Gurrumbilbarra (Townsville). ​I pay my respects to their elders, and their connection to the land, species and ecosystems I study. This always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

All original photos are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Icons made by Dave Gandy from 

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